Accessible nature

As a former manager in a fish hatchery, I once encountered a dedicated angler during a delivery where I was to release fish. He was in a wheelchair and was limited to the dock that had been “adapted”. He pointed to another fly fisherman who cast his fly right into a fish rise a few hundred meters away and immediately got a bite. The guy in the wheelchair said, “When I can do that, then you’ll have succeeded in making fishing truly accessible”.

Since that day, I have been passionate about making nature as accessible as possible for everyone. It warms my heart to now be able to offer amazing nature experiences even to those who, for all or part of their lives, have been exceptions to the norm. Here, you can feel free and participate naturally on the same terms as everyone else.

For transportation we have a six-wheel ATV with a specially adapted sidecar, a snowmobile and a specially adapted sled. Our accommodation works well for wheelchairs, no thresholds or stairs, the bathroom has room for a wheelchair and an assistant. The calling tower has a ramp and room for 2 wheelchairs.

Please contact us for more information about the accessibility and let us know if there is something we need to know before your visit.